
Naturalist Reports

  1. Daniel Brunton (1999) Natural Environment Inventory and Interpretive Concepts – Petrie Island Study Area, prepared for City of Cumberland (1 MB PDF file).
  2. Dugal (1977) – A study of the Petrie Island Woods, including a list of species.
  3. Stokes (1996) – A study of the wetland classification of the island.
  4. Hanrahan (1998) – The Natural Values and Ecological Significance of the Petrie Islands.
  5. Hanrahan (1998) – An exhaustive list of animalsbirds, and plant species on Petrie Island.
    (see also the entries on our home page under Animals and Plants).
  6. A Short Ecology of the Petrie Islands (Darbyshire)
  7. Darbyshire, S. J., A. Letourneau and M. Manga. 1984. A Macoun Field Club trip to Kettle Island. Trail & Landscape 18(5): 228-232.
  8. Darbyshire, S. J. 1986. More on the Bladdernut Shrub. Trail & Landscape 21(1): 26-28.
  9. Darbyshire, S. 1997. A Red-eared Slider in the Ottawa River. Trail & Landscape 31(4): 157-160.
  10. Hanrahan, Christine and Stephen Darbyshire. 1999. The Petrie Islands: naturally special. Trail & Landscape, 33(2): 59-73.
  11. Ottawa Duck Club – Report on egg hatchings on Petrie 2002
  12. Petrie Island Turtle Nesting Survey (2006) A survey of the turtle populations nesting on Petrie Island, conducted in partnership with the Ottawa Stewardship Council in June 2006.
  13. Petrie Island Turtle Nesting Survey (2007) A survey of the turtle populations nesting on Petrie Island, conducted in partnership with the Ottawa Stewardship Council in June 2007.
  14. Petrie Island Stewardship Plan 2007 (updated August 2008).  Prepared by Ottawa Stewardship Council and FOPI.
  15. Butternut canker report 2007 by Rose Fleguel of the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority.
  16. Petrie Island Species at Risk Turtle Survey 2008 A survey of the distribution of turtles species at risk on Petrie Island, conducted in partnership with the Ottawa Stewardship Council in May-July 2008.
  17. Experimental Turtle Nesting Site Report July 2009
  18. Management Plan Phase 1 Report March 2010 by Dan Brunton. Natural environment assessment contracted by City of Ottawa.  Includes details of plants and animals. 77 pages.
  19. Petrie Island Management Plan, November 2011.  By Dan Brunton.  Commissioned by City of Ottawa.  56 pages.
  20. Tree inventory report, October 2019.
  21. Tree inventory report, August 2020.
  22. Petrie Island Turtle Study (uOttawa) 2021

Government Reports

  1. An Investigation of the Sources of Fecal Contamination at Petrie Island Beach on the Ottawa River in 2007, report by Environment Canada, 22 February 2008.
  2. 2007 Beach Report, Ottawa Medical Officer of Health, Report to Council on 11 March 2008.
  3. E-coli counts at Ottawa beaches including Petrie Island (2000-2003) and in 2004.
  4. Interpretive Trails Master Plan (City of Cumberland, 2000)
  5. Petrie Island Master Plan (July 1998) – Cumberland Township Planning Department. Background and issue paper. Also includes terms of reference from the Region and a bibliography of material.
    N.B. There are references to a future marina on the east side of Petrie Island.  The City of Ottawa has no plans and no money to develop this marina, so it is unlikely to happen.
  6. Ottawa River Water Quality (1992) – RMOC surface water quality report. Includes detailed information on pollutants at various locations on the river. [In the summer of 1999, water samples from 8 locations along the north shore of Petrie Island were tested and found to be within acceptable limits for swimming.]
  7. Brunton, D. F. 1995. Petrie Island wetland, in, Life Science Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest in Site District 6E-12: A Review and Assessment of Significant Natural Areas. [Unpublished draft report], Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Kemptville
  8. Brownell, V. and C.S. Blaney. 1997. Petrie Island (Site 47), in, Summary Natural Area reports for Natural Areas east of the Rideau River. Planning and Development Approvals Department Report 28-08a, Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton, Ottawa.

Committee Reports

  1. FOPI Annual Report for 2018
  2. FOPI Annual Report for 2014
  3. Report to Trillium Foundation 2015/03
  4. FOPI Annual Report for 2013
  5. FOPI Annual Report for 2012
  6. FOPI Annual Report for 2011
  7. FOPI Annual Report for 2007
  8. Comments on Interprovincial Bridge Crossing environmental assessment, June 2007.
  9. FOPI Annual Report for 2006
  10. FOPI Annual Report for 2005
  11. FOPI Annual Report for 2004
  12. FOPI Events planned for 2004
  13. FOPI Year in Review 2003
  14. FOPI Annual Report to City of Ottawa (Oct 2003)
  15. Report on Ontario Trillium Foundation funding for 2002 (Jan 2003)
  16. Report on Ontario Trillium Foundation funding for 2003 (Mar 2004)
  17. Comments on trail plans and management (Al Tweddle, Nov 2002)
  18. FOPI AGM after incorporation (Oct 2002)
  19. FOPI Annual Report to City of Ottawa (Oct 2002)
  20. FOPI Annual Report to City of Ottawa (Oct 2001)
  21. FOPI Annual General Meeting May 2001
  22. FOPI Report to Cumberland Council (Oct 2000) – summarizing the 2000 summer operation of the island, the user survey, proposals for 2001.
  23. FOPI Report to Cumberland Council (Oct 1999) – summarizing the 1999 summer operation of the island, the user survey, proposals for 2000.
  24. FOPI Report to Cumberland Council (Oct 1998) – summarizing the 1998 summer operation of the island.
  25. FOPI Constitution (1998)

Other Links

  1. Wharves of Prescott-Russell –  “The Four Rivington Wharves, Cumberland Village: The Island was first granted to Captain Archibald Petrie who became a local politician. He never developed the Island. A deed from 1913 indicates that the Petrie Island was resold by the Crown to a Mr. Deschambault. A plan showing the entire island reveals no wharf at the time. A 1918 map (Cumberland Museum) indicates a quarry operated by the Rivington family. There were at least 4 concrete horizontal wharves in the bay near Petrie Island used to ship sand by barges. The wharves were probably abandoned in 1925. The quarry still exists today on the island. Ruins of the concrete wharves can still be seen.”  The author, Jean-Francois Beaulieu, states in the Cumberland Historical Society website,  “In 1918, the Rivington family owned four concrete wharves at Petrie Island on the Ottawa River. The wharves were used to ship sand from the Rivington quarry located on the Island. Wharf remains still exist today and can be seen sticking out of the water. The commercial navigation officially ended in 1925.”. Cited from Beaulieu, Jean-François, The Forgotten Wharves of the United Counties of Prescott-Russell, OAS Web Site, Chapters Of The Past. (Hardcopy CTHS Collection) 1997.
  2. (see also the links page for links to other organizations).