Friends of Petrie Island

Welcome to Petrie Island.

Park Rules apply year round, including that dogs are not permitted anywhere on the Island. These rules protect the flora and fauna of Petrie Island and add to our visitors’ enjoyment.

Currently parking is free as machines have been removed for the season, Portapotties are available until after Thanksgiving. There is currently no potable water available.

If you can’t get out to Petrie Island, check out the visitor photos on our website, join our Facebook Group called Petrie Island: Our Small Wilderness, or follow our Facebook page.

Welcome autumn

Bird migration is in full swing and the fall colours are starting! Summer programming is closed.

In partnership with the Canadian Wildlife Federation and the Ottawa Riverkeeper we are undertaking turtle conservation work with a focus on protecting turtle eggs. Turtle eggs were retrieved and stored at an incubator at Riverhouse until they hatched in August. Almost 400 hatchlings were released back into Petrie wetlands in August. There was exceptional interest with about 700 people coming out to watch this ageless lifecycle event. Unfortunately we were unable to accommodate all the interest in the hatchling events,
Thank you to all who sponsored a baby turtle. The donors received a certificate and advance registration to Turtle Hatchling Release sessions.
Our 2024 program resulted in almost 400 map, snapping and painted turtle hatchlings being returned to the wetlands of Petrie Island. In Canada all species of freshwater turtles are considered at risk.

Thank you for your support!

Please note that there is a current outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in Ontario. If you find a goose, duck or other water bird that is sick or deceased, please report it to the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative at 1-866-673-4781 or online at

Friends of Petrie Island –  2024 Activities

Friends of Petrie Island Tent- photo by Greg Scriver