Category Archives: Dispatches from Petrie Island

Dispatches are short notes from visitors to Petrie Island. They accumulate over the years to give a history of the changing island.

FOPI Dispatch (4 July 2024)

Summer 2024 Dispatch (Le français suite)

As summer begins, we want to thank our members. Your support has enabled to undertake our environmental stewardship activities, offer educational programming, and protect Petrie Island’s amazing ecosystems. Here is an update of spring highlights and a peek at the summer.

City of Ottawa on the future of the nature centre 2017/11/03

From Dan Chenier, General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, City of Ottawa, regarding FOPI's nature centre, or interpretation centre.  This was an old cottage built by the Grandmaitre family in the 1960's.  It is now demolished.

The City has received the condition assessment report that was undertaken by Concentric Associates International Inc.  Their report outlines the … Continue Reading ››