Paul LeFort 2017/04/28

Greetings from P3. Al and I performed a circumnavigation (walk is the wrong word here).

One can drive carefully (washouts) up to the culverts. Water is two feet deep past the culverts, so Al got in over his boots, being a little crazy, and  I used waders, being prepared. Same problem for access to the picnic area from the parking lot.

Damage assessment:

  1. The water came up and touched the cottage floor, but did not go over the floor. We may assume it will dry nicely, but should test under linoleum anyway. Front verandah is intact. Lost: one rain barrel.
  2. Both the airplane and Thomas the Tank engine are gone, and did not land on any downstream beaches. Ditto most of the “fence logs”.
  3. The big bridge on Muskrat is hanging by sheer luck.
  4. The old crib that was beside Muskrat is now in front of the turtle blind.
  5. Turtle blind needs complete rebuild.
  6. Water rearranged content of work shed, flooding over the chain saw on the bottom shelf. I started it on the third pull.
  7. No water damage in schoolhouse, but it was wet at some point.
  8. Trail shed lost its steps, all six bags of concrete are set, and the water reached over the lawnmower engine. Like the chain saw, it will start first pull. Mud everywhere in there.
  9. Platform at Holland will need repositioning.
  10. All bench platforms are secure but floating around on their anchors.
  11. There are now only two planting boxes, both moved about 30 feet into the landscape. The bug hotel is gone as well. Won’t miss it…
  1. Sarah’s boat is safe, as noted before.
  2. No damage was noted from loose tree trunks, although the piles were reorganized and some floated away. The river was kind enough to completely level out the north branch of the trail to the western area.
  3. Wildlife report: not that many birds, too many geese, one garter snake with a woolen hat wearing a lifevest.

If the weather holds out (unlikely), we will be able to walk in with boots next Wednesday. The Regulation Board says the reservoirs are full, and expects the river will go up again as snowmelt and the coming rain do their thing.