Jim Robertson (25 August 2023)


A brief walk on August 24, 2023 produced some flowers, and other things, not seen on August 15th

Impatiens, aka touch-me-not and/or  jewel weed, seemed to be everywhere. One was hosting a Japanese beetle (which was likely eating the blossom for a morning snack).

One of my favourite flowers was in bloom – the cardinal flower.

A flower I always associate with Petrie is the turtlehead flower

Scroll over the photos for individual identification



Bottle Gentian (aka Closed gentian)

Bottle Gentian (aka Closed gentian)

purple loosestrife

purple loosestrife

Canada thistle (aka field thistle)

Canada thistle (aka field thistle)

Field mint

Field mint

Field mint

Field mint

Water smartweed

Water smartweed

Water smartweed

Water smartweed

Water smartweed

Water smartweed

Red shank

Red shank

Wild cucumber

Wild cucumber





Gypswort (aka water horehound)

Gypswort (aka water horehound)

The long-jawed orb weaver (?) spiders have been busy making lacrosse sticks😊

A thistle seed was grasping onto a stem of grass while dew drops were being held on a blade of grass by unseen tiny hairs.

Stinging nettle plants were ready to brush against bare skin. Yellow foxtail grass was starting to sprout and a Canada thistle was dropping its seeds.

I would have thought it was late in the summer, but a good number of tadpoles were in the shallows

A lone mallard (black?) duck was sitting on a fallen branch with his friend the phoebe, while a kingbird was on his own smaller branch.

Despite my general reluctance to take photos of people, there were some young people enjoying the Island too….