Links to Related Sites
- City of Ottawa
- Rideau Valley
Conservation Authority
- Ottawa Field Naturalists Club
- Ottawa Duck Club
- National Capital Region
Wildlife Festival
- Fallingbrook Community
- Queenswood Heights
Community Assocation
- Petrie Island Outdoors Club (PIOC)
- Petrie
Island Ice Fishing
- Ottawa River information
(water levels, dams)
- Ottawa Riverkeeper
- Ottawa Forests and
Greenspace Advisory Committee
Ottawa Stewardship Council
- Fletcher Wildlife
- Adopt a
pond program
Les Amis du Parc de la Gatineau./
Friends of Gatineau Park
- Turtle S.H.E.L.L.
- Taxonomy system (look up
common or scientific names of plants or animals)
Bob Monette
Councillor Steven Blais
MPP Phil
- Cumberland Historical
Cumberland Museum /
- Information on
boat launches
on the Ottawa River
- Petrie Island Bait and Tackle Shop (841-0778,
www.oziles.com) has a motor boat
launch ($8), rents peddle boats and small motor boats, and will
store boats over the winter. They also sell fishing accessories.
They are on the east side of Trim Road on the island, before the
causeway. Canoes and kayaks can be launched for free from the
picnic area parking lot. There is a canoe launch pier on the west
side of the main parking lot.
Trillium Foundation "The Friends of Petrie Island
gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Ontario
Trillium Foundation, an agency of the Ministry of Culture. With $100
million in annual funding from the province's charitable gaming
initiative, the Foundation provides grants to eligible charitable
and not-for-profit organizations in the arts, culture, sports,
recreation, environment and social service sectors."