About Friends of Petrie Island

robertson_fopiworkcrew_2005The Friends of Petrie Island  (FOPI) is a group formed in November 1997 with its constitution was approved in October 1998. It was incorporated in 2002. The volunteer organization consists of a 10-person executive which holds regular meetings the third Tuesday of each month, except in high summer, as well as a fall general meeting.

Information on becoming a member of Friends of Petrie Island is here.  The yearly membership fee is $10.


* Education of the public about the importance of preserving Petrie Island as a natural area to be enjoyed by future generations.

* Preservation of Petrie Island ecology, a Carolinian forest environment made possible by local microclimatic conditions, usually associated with areas of southern Ontario.

* Protection of Petrie Island’s flora and fauna, including turtle habitat and nesting areas and over 130 bird species as well as a rich amphibian, reptile and fish habitat.

You can support our work by taking part in projects or becoming a member. Members receive regular dispatches on upcoming events.

  • Become a member ($10/yr), or make a donation
  • Help out on work days or as a monitor
  • Help with fundraising
  • Play a part in the interpretive program
  • Be a guide for a tour
  • Gather background material or assemble displays

The Friends of Petrie Island sponsor a series of walks and outdoor talks on various aspects of the nature and history of Petrie. Insights and information are provided by local experts on a variety of topics of interest, including plants, ecology, wildlife and the Island’s past uses. Walks take place rain or shine. Keep watching this space fo this year’s events. Hope to see you there!

Al Tweddle (1938-2023), founder and President, Friends of Petrie Island


A personal message from Acting president Paul Le Fort

I am saddened to announce that our president has passed, after a short battle with cancer.

Born and raised in Toronto, Allen Tweddle graduated in chemical engineering from Toronto Metropolitan University (then Ryerson) and spent his career at the National Research Council. He and his wife Helen, who left us in 2018, were local heroes who devoted most of their adult lives to the community, and especially young people, chiefly through the Friends of the Public Library and the Queenswood Heights Community Association, whose Trail Committee was the seed for the Friends of Petrie Island in 1997.

Al Tweddle was a Renaissance man. A voracious reader, it showed in his fine writing.

He retained throughout his long life a child-like curiosity about the world around him and a great love of the outdoors. He was extremely knowledgeable about many things, especially wild plants and trees, and well versed in the history of North American Indigenous Peoples.

As his right hand for many years, I developed both respect for his values, his persistence and his ability to garner support and funding. His management style could be persuasive, but was always well-intended.

Al had a big heart. Over a quarter-century, he became a good friend to me, and to other members of our group, as well as to countless people in the community he served so generously.

One beautiful day, during one of our many walks together on Petrie Island “to inspect the trails”, we agreed on things we had in common: among them, we both rode motorcycles in youth, but most importantly, we aged, but never grew up. The child in Al was always inspiring him.

Al will be missed by a large family and countless friends and associates. His name on the road that leads to Petrie Island was a well deserved honor. He was by far the best friend Petrie Island will ever have.

Al Tweddle (1938-2023), fondateur et président des Amis de l’île Petrie

Un message personnel du vice-président, Paul Le Fort

C’est avec beaucoup de tristesse que j’annonce le décès de notre président, Al Tweddle, après une courte lutte contre le cancer.

Natif de Toronto, Allen Tweddle est diplômé en génie chimique de l’Université métropolitaine de Toronto (Ryerson) et a fait carrière au Conseil national de recherches. Al et son épouse Helen, qui nous a quitté en 2018, se sont distingués en consacrant le plus clair de leur vie adulte à la communauté, et en particulier aux jeunes, principalement par l’intermédiaire des Amis de la bibliothèque publique et de l’Association communautaire de Queenswood Heights, dont le comité des sentiers a donné naissance aux Amis de l’île Petrie en 1997.

Al Tweddle possédait un esprit universel et, lecteur vorace, il avait une belle plume.

Toute sa vie, il a conservé la curiosité de sa jeunessee, s’intéressant au monde qui l’entourait. Al était grand amateur de plein air. Il était très bien renseigné sur de nombreux sujets, en particulier les plantes sauvages et les arbres, et il était très versé sur l’histoire des peuples autochtones d’Amérique du Nord.

En tant que son bras droit pendant de nombreuses années, j’ai développé à la fois le respect de ses valeurs, de sa persévérance et de son talent pour obtenir appui et financement. Son style de gestion pouvait être persuasif, mais il était toujours bien intentionné.

Al avait un grand cœur. Pendant plus d’un quart de siècle, il est devenu un bon ami pour moi, et pour d’autres membres de notre groupe, ainsi que pour d’innombrables personnes de la communauté qu’il a servi avec tant de générosité.

Un beau jour, lors de l’une de nos nombreuses promenades dans l’île Petrie “pour inspecter les sentiers”, nous nous sommes mis d’accord sur certaines évidences: entre autres, nous avions roulé en moto, pendant nos jeunes années, mais surtout, en dépit d’avoir vieilli, nous n’avions jamais perdu cette jeunesse. Al a toujours été jeune d’esprit.

Al laisse dans le deuil un grande famille, ainsi que d’innombrables amis et associés. Il a amplement mérité que le chemin qui mène à l’île Petrie porte son nom. Il était de loin le meilleur ami de l’île Petrie.

In accordance with Al’s wishes donations may be made to the Friends of Petrie Island in his memory.

Donate to Friends of Petrie Island in memory of Al Tweddle.